10 Things Really Amazing Bosses Do
Being a good boss is hard. Being an amazing boss is even harder. Kevin Daum’s lists of 10 things amazing bosses do in his article in Inc magazine. He invites you to see how you measure up. 1. Good Bosses maintain control and get things done. Amazing Bosses know efficiency can be the enemy of … Read more
The Beginners Mindset
How can the athlete get the most out of their coaches? Kevin Eastman, assistant coach of the Boston Celtics, suggest players have a beginners mindset. In his article called The Beginners, Kevin is talking about the veteran player’s mindset that coaches want. I believe this beginners mindset applies to all players, especially those under 30 … Read more
Ten Strategies To Change Behaviour
Most of us want to change a behaviour in ourselves or people in our sphere of influence. We have all talked about change and often do not take enough action to make it real. Morten T. Hansen’s article in the Harvard Business Review list 10 approaches that work according to his research. 1. Embrace the … Read more