There are many roads you can take when making a change but which one? Here are some actionable ideas to kick of your new year’s change effort – either personally or professionally – and you can start today. See the video below.

Your ability to change is influenced by your skills more than what you normally think of as willpower. Willpower is a skill that you can learn and it can be strengthen. Making change is about developing skills, executing your customized change plan, and engaging all six sources of influence.
For example, source of influence one – Personal Motivation – deals with the idea of “do you want to do it.” Make the undesirable desirable is the idea to increase your personal motivation and escape the willpower trap.
I will create posts about each of the six sources of influence in the coming weeks. For a larger view just click on the image.
According to the research by the authors, if you can use four or more of the six areas of influence on your change challenge, your probability of success increases 10 fold.
One of the best ideas from the book is to invite to “turn a bad day into good data” by you becoming the scientist and subject.
The authors of ‘Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success’ have summed it up in an easy read of 239 pages or a few hours on CD. I recommend reading it cover to cover. If you prefer to hear examples showing how to apply the ideas go to part III. The examples are:
- Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight and Get Fit – and Stay That Way, page 151
- Financial Fitness: How to Get – and Live – Out o Debt, page 173
- Addiction: How to Take Back Your Life, page 192
- Relationships: How to Change Us by Changing Me, page 213
You will see how identifying your vital behaviours and using all six sources of influence enable you to create your customized change plan.
Start today and tell me how it works for you.