Avoid 4 Freelancing Mistakes
Making the leap from being a WordPress developer in your spare time or for a boss to going freelance is daunting but exciting. If you’re like me, when you go freelance your focus will be on the work and not on the business side of things. But thinking like that could be a big mistake. The big … Read more
Explain Your Work Capacity To Your Boss
We are all expected to do more. Do you struggle to explain to your boss what you are doing and how much capacity you have for those last minute, must do tasks? Here is a simple model to explain your capacity to your those assigning you work. It is from a video presentation called “Future-Proofing … Read more
Fiverr: Graphics, marketing, fun and more online services for $5
I came across this and though no way. But I gave it a try for a quick logo designs for a demo and was pleasantly surprised by the results. Take a look at Fiverr ( and see if there is something you can get done. Feel free to give a bonus to the individual providing … Read more